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Thermal imaging is an invaluable tool for anyone with an interest in wildlife observation, revealing far more than the naked eye can see in both daylight and in complete darkness. Utilising a highly sensitive 640×480, 12µm, <40mK NETD thermal sensor and an extremely sensitive 35mm f1.0 fast aperture germanium objective lens, the Axion 2 XG35 can detect an animal’s metabolic heat signature at distances of up to 1750m — even in adverse weather conditions or through small gaps in dense foliage.

How does it work?
A thermal imaging device (such as the Axion 2 XG35) uses thermal energy to gather information about objects through its sensor (or microbolometer) and germanium objective lens, formulating clear and detailed images of observed animals or objects by day and at night. Because these devices do not emit any artificial light or infrared illumination, users are able to observe wildlife at night, without running the risk of startling animals or scaring them away.
Understanding Thermal Imaging Specifications
Thermal Sensor Size – Similar to digital cameras, thermal sensors are measured in pixels; generally speaking, the bigger the sensor the better the picture, as a larger sensor can capture more detail. Pulsar thermal imagers use one of three differently sized sensors, each with its own designation: XM models use a 320×240 thermal sensor, XQ models use a 384×288 thermal sensor, and XP and XG models use a 640×480 thermal sensor.
Thermal Sensor Pixel Pitch – This is the distance between the centre of the pixels. A smaller pixel pitch results in finer image quality and a physically smaller thermal sensor. However, a larger pixel offers more sensitivity. A sensor with a smaller pixel pitch will have a greater base magnification than a thermal imager with the same size lens and a greater pixel pitch. Pulsar XM & XG sensors have a 12µm pixel pitch, and XQ and XP sensors have a 17µm pixel pitch.
NETD – Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference (NETD) is a measurement of the smallest temperature difference a thermal device can detect. The lower the value, the more sensitive the device becomes — performing better than a device with a greater NETD value in conditions that are challenging to thermal imagers such as cold, fog, and rain. A device’s NETD rating is an important indicator as to how well it will perform.
Refresh Rate – A high refresh rate (such as 50Hz) is best when choosing a thermal imager. A high refresh rate will result in a smooth image when panning or tracking fast-moving objects.

The Axion 2 XG35 Features…

An 1024×768 HD AMOLED display features enhanced colour rendering to provide a clear and smooth picture in any weather condition — even when observed wildlife is in motion.

Enhanced Image Processing
Enhanced image processing algorithms work to provide high quality rendering of observed objects, the background behind them, and even the environment around them, including shrubbery and foliage.
Three available levels of signal amplification — combined with a connected smoothing filter and fine brightness and contrast adjustments — provide the user with greater opportunities in terms of long-range detection of an animal and its extremities in varying weather and temperature conditions.
Eight Colour Palettes
In general, traditional thermal imaging devices will present images in grayscale, with white representing heat, black representing colder regions (or vice versa), and various shades of grey indicating gradients of temperatures between the two.
However, newer, more modern thermal imaging devices (including the Axion 2 XG35) are now capable of adding colour to the images they produce — using colours such as orange, blue, yellow, red, and purple.
The Axion 2 XG35 offers eight colour palettes, achieving more effective observation and allowing the device to adapt and react in varying environmental conditions.
For object detection, we recommend using White Hot, Black Hot, and Red Hot.
Rainbow and Ultramarine are most effective for object recognition and identification.
Red Monochrome, Sepia, and Violet are the best choice for long periods of observation in total darkness.

Dual-Band Wi-Fi
Compliments the standard smartphone 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi frequency range with an effective 5 GHz connection range, vastly improving the bandwidth and connection stability, and providing a much faster rate of data transfer.

Variable Magnification
8x digital zoom with a base magnification of 2.5x -20x for better object recognition at considerable distances. This zoom changes either by x2 steps, or in continuous motion to optimise the generous 12.5°х9.4° field of view.

7 Hours of Battery Life
Uses an APS5 rechargeable battery, providing 7 hours of power on just a single charge (depending on temperature). Recharging is as simple as placing the battery into its charging dock or plugging directly into a PC/household power system via a USB-C cable.

Magnesium Alloy Bodyshell
An ergonomically designed magnesium alloy bodyshell protects the Axion 2 XG35 bumps and scrapes, and work effectively as a heatsink to effectively dissipate any warmth generated by the device’s internal electronics.

IPX7 Waterproof
IPX7 waterproof rated, ensuring this thermal imaging monocular will continue to work efficiently in extreme weather conditions, including heavy rain, snow, and environments with high levels of humidity. It will even survive a dip in 1m of water for up to 30 minutes!

Built-In Video Recorder
Captures still images and videos of every memorable moment during a user’s observations, with 16GB of internal storage and 16GB of free cloud storage capable of saving hours of video with sound or tens of thousands of photos.